A1 seated DB military press – 2 working sets, 8-15 reps, 3 min rest ****second working set, drop load by 20% and hit AMRAP
B1 Lying cable cuff lateral raises – 4 sets, 8-20 reps, 90 seconds rest
*****last three working sets drop the load down 20% and hit AMRAP, then triple drop on the last set
C1 high cable rear delt raise – 10-12 reps
C2 Rope face pull/external rotation- 10-12 reps C3 lying cable cuff front raise- 10-15 reps 4 sets total, 45 seconds between sets
D1 cuff smith triceps extensions – 4 sets, 8-20 reps, 2 min rest
*****last three working sets drop the load down 20% each set and hit AMRAP
E1 Rope, bench “chillin” overhead triceps extension – 3 sets, 8-20 reps, 90 seconds rest *****last two working sets drop the load down 20% each set and hit AMRAP
F1 Rope press down – 5-15 reps, 3 cluster sets with 10 seconds break in between
F2 Rope overhead triceps extensions- 5-15 reps, 3 cluster sets with 10 seconds break in between
1 all-out set
*****For all exercises, the number of sets listed is WORKING sets. Always take as many sets as needed to warm-up/prepare for working sets