A1 seated DB military press – 2 working sets, 8-15 reps, 3 min rest ****second working set, drop load by 20% and hit AMRAP

B1 Lying cable cuff lateral raises – 4 sets, 8-20 reps, 90 seconds rest
*****last three working sets drop the load down 20% and hit AMRAP, then triple drop on the last set

C1 high cable rear delt raise – 10-12 reps
C2 Rope face pull/external rotation- 10-12 reps C3 lying cable cuff front raise- 10-15 reps 4 sets total, 45 seconds between sets

D1 cuff smith triceps extensions – 4 sets, 8-20 reps, 2 min rest
*****last three working sets drop the load down 20% each set and hit AMRAP

E1 Rope, bench “chillin” overhead triceps extension – 3 sets, 8-20 reps, 90 seconds rest *****last two working sets drop the load down 20% each set and hit AMRAP

F1 Rope press down – 5-15 reps, 3 cluster sets with 10 seconds break in between
F2 Rope overhead triceps extensions- 5-15 reps, 3 cluster sets with 10 seconds break in between
1 all-out set
*****For all exercises, the number of sets listed is WORKING sets. Always take as many sets as needed to warm-up/prepare for working sets



A1 2-arm cable rows activation – 5-8 reps A2 joe row activation 5-8 reps
A3 Rope pull-over activation 5-10 reps As many sets as needed

B1 neutral grip chins – 5 sets, 5-10 reps, 3 minutes rest

C1 reverse band rack dead lifts – 3 sets of 6-12 reps, 3 minutes rest
*****last two sets drop, drop the load approximately 20% each set and hit AMRAP

D1 Prime extreme row – 4 sets, 6-12 reps, 2 minutes rest
*****last two sets drop, drop the load approximately 20% each set and hit AMRAP

E1 machine pull down – (cluster sets) 5-8 reps, rest 10 seconds, repeat 4-5 times (do not take hands off handles)
E2 pullover machine – 15-20 reps (half in shortened range, half in lengthened range) 4 sets, 60 seconds between set
*****For all exercises, the number of sets listed is WORKING sets. Always take as many sets as needed to warm-up/prepare for working sets



A1 chest/shoulder girdle activations – as many sets as needed, 3-6 reps

B1 reverse band Incline barbell press – 5 sets total (including 4 drop down sets), 5-15 reps, 3min seconds between sets
*****after working set at peak weight (for 5-6 reps), drop the weight approximately 20%, rest 90 seconds and hit AMRAP (as many reps as possible), then repeat the same protocol 3 more times

C1 dips – 4 sets total (including 3 drop down sets), 8-12 reps, 120 seconds rest between sets
*****after 3rd working set at peak weight (for 5-6 reps), drop the weight 20%, rest 90 seconds and hit AMRAP (as many reps as possible), then repeat the same protocol 2 more times

D1 Incline hammer machine press – 8-12 reps
D2 decline DB flys – 10-12 reps
D3 DB floor press 10-12 reps
D4 intention push ups – cluster 5 reps (10 seconds rest), repeat 4-5 rounds total 4 sets, 60 seconds rest between rounds
*****For all exercises, the number of sets listed is WORKING sets. Always take as many sets as needed to warm-up/prepare for working sets



A1 2-arm bench cable row activation – 5-10 reps, as many sets as needed

B1 single arm DB rows – 2 sets, 8-12 reps 3 minutes rest between sets

C1 Single arm pull down – 2 sets, 6-8 reps
C2 2-arm pull downs -cluster set, 30+ reps total over 5 sets, 10 second pause in between sets without taking hands off handles, 2 minutes rest

D1 Extended spine chins (upper back emphasis) – 6-10 reps
D2 Wide grip cable rows – 15-20 reps
4 sets, 60 seconds rest

*****For all exercises, the number of sets listed is WORKING sets. Always take as many sets as needed to warm-up/prepare for working sets



A1 Single leg lying leg curls – 4 sets, 6-8 reps, 60 seconds rest between legs

B1 Lying leg curls – 4 sets, 6-8 reps, 90 seconds rest between sets
*****extend every set with partials at the bottom

C1 Seated leg curls – 4 sets of 8-12, 90 seconds rest between sets
******extend every set with partials at the top

D1 Reverse hack (Atlantis) RDLS – 4 sets, 10 reps, 90 seconds rest between sets
E1 High stance leg press – 3 sets, 15 reps, 90 seconds rest



A1 scap retractions

B1 scap retraction/depression rows

C1 trap 3

D1 abducted rows

E1 abducuted external rotation

F1 Cuban press

G1 seated adducted internal/external rotation with protraction/retraction H1 incline press retractions

I1 pec upper arm adduction

J1 pec upper arm adduction w/ protraction

K1 triceps extensions

L1 biceps flexions

M1 core reaches

N1 core reaches w/ draw-in

O1 TVA activations

*****most will be 3-5 repetitions, but do as many as needed until you produce quality contractions



A1 chest/shoulder girdle activations – as many sets as needed, 3-6 reps

B1 reverse band Incline barbell press – 4 sets total (including 3 drop down sets), 5-15 reps, 3min seconds between sets
*****after working set at peak weight (for 5-6 reps), drop the weight 20%, rest 90 seconds and hit AMRAP (as many reps as possible), then repeat the same protocol 2 more times.

C1 dips – 4 sets total (including 3 drop down sets), 8-12 reps, 120 seconds rest between sets
*****after 3rd working set at peak weight (for 5-6 reps), drop the weight 20%, rest 90 seconds and hit AMRAP (as many reps as possible), then repeat the same protocol 2 more times.

D1 Seated cable flys – 10-15 reps
D2 BPak bench fly – 10-15 reps
4 sets, 60 seconds rest between sets
*****every set of BPak flus, extend with mechanical drop set

E1 Watson T-bench single arm DB curls – 4 sets total, 6-8 reps
*****after working set at peak weight (for 6-8 reps), drop the weight 20%, rest 90 seconds and hit AMRAP (as many reps as possible), then repeat the same protocol 2 more times.

F1 Watson T-bench “lay back Incline” DB curls – 3 sets total, 8-12 reps
*****after working set at peak weight (for 8-12 reps), drop the weight 20%, rest 90 seconds and hit AMRAP (as many reps as possible), then repeat the same protocol 1 more time.

G1 High cable curls (loaded supination) – 10-15 reps G2 Rope cable curls – 15-20 reps
4 sets, 45 seconds rest between sets
*****For all exercises, the number of sets listed is WORKING sets. Always take as many sets as needed to warm-up/prepare for working sets.



A1 2-arm cable row activation – 5-10 reps, as many sets as needed

B1 single arm DB rows – 2 sets, 8-12 reps
B2 chest supported DB rows – 2 sets, 15-20 reps
3 minutes rest between sets
******super set is just done on the last two working sets to extend the sets

C1 Single arm pull down – 2 sets, 6-8 reps
C2 2-arm pull downs – 2 sets, 10-12 reps
2 minutes rest between sets
******super set is just done on the last two working sets to extend the sets

D1 chest supported row – 1 set, 30+ reps
*****set is extended with two drops, at least 10 reps at each drop

E1 neutral grip, reverse band Incline press – 2 sets, 6-8 reps, 3 minutes between sets
*****last set is extended with 2 drops

F1 DB lateral raises – 1 sets, 30+ reps
*****set is extended with 4-5 drops

*****For all exercises, the number of sets listed is WORKING sets. Always take as many sets as needed to warm-up/prepare for working sets



A1 Machine preacher curls – 6-12 reps
A2 single-arm DB triceps extension
4 sets, 90 seconds rest
*****After 1st working set, drop the weight about 20% and hit AMRAP – repeat 3more times
***** last working set of each exercise, extend the set with 2 more drop sets

B1 “Incline” cable curls – 8-15 reps
B2 overhead DB triceps extension – 5-12 reps
4 sets, 60 seconds rest
*****After 1st working set, drop the weight about 20% and hit AMRAP – repeat 3more times
***** last working set of each exercise, extend the set with 2 more drop sets

*****For all exercises, the number of sets listed is WORKING sets. Always take as many sets as needed to warm-up/prepare for working sets



A1 Chest/external rotators/trap 3 activation – 5-8 reps, as many sets as needed

B1 Incline DB Press – 4 sets, 6-12 reps, 3 minutes rest between sets
*****After 1st working set, drop the weight about 20% and hit AMRAP – repeat 2 more times (total of 4 working sets)

C1 flat machine chest press – 4 sets, 6-15 reps, 2 minutes rest between sets
*****After 1st working set, drop the weight about 20% and hit AMRAP – repeat 2 more times (total of 4 working sets)



A1 seated DB military press – 2 working sets, 8-15 reps, 2 min rest
****second working set, drop load by 20% and hit AMRAP

B1 Lying cable cuff lateral raises – 4 sets, 8-20 reps, 90 seconds rest
*****last two working sets drop the load down 20% and hit AMRAP, then triple drop on the last set

C1 high cable rear delt raise – 10-12 reps
C2 incline DB front raise – 10-12 reps
C3 Rope DB upright row – 10-15 reps
4 sets total, 60 seconds between sets
****last set of upright rows, double drop



A1 wide grip cable Joe row activation – 5-8 reps
A2 cable internal rotation adduction activation 5-8 As many sets as needed

B1 neutral grip chins – 5 sets, 5-10 reps, 2 minutes rest

C1 reverse band rack dead lifts – 5 sets of 6-12 reps, 3 minutes rest
*****last two sets drop, drop the load approximately 20% each set and hit AMRAP

D1 Prime extreme row – 5 sets, 6-12 reps, 2 minutes rest
*****last two sets drop, drop the load approximately 20% each set and hit AMRAP

E1 Machine pull down – 10-12 reps
E2 chest supported low row – 10-12 reps
E3 cable rope pullover – 10-15 reps
4 sets total, 60 seconds between super sets

F1 45 degree calf raise – 5 sets, 10-15 reps, 90 seconds rest
*****extend every set with partials, triple drop in the last working set



A1 chest activations – as many sets as needed, 3-6 reps

B1 reverse band Incline barbell press – 6 sets total (including 3 drop down sets), 5-15 reps, 120 seconds between sets
*****after 3rd working set at peak weight (for 5-6 reps), drop the weight 20%, rest 90 seconds and hit AMRAP (as many reps as possible), then repeat the same protocol 2 more times

C1 dips – 6 sets total (including 3 drop down sets), 8-12 reps, 120 seconds rest between sets
*****after 3rd working set at peak weight (for 5-6 reps), drop the weight 20%, rest 90 seconds and hit AMRAP (as many reps as possible), then repeat the same protocol 2 more times

D1 Seated cable flys – 4 sets, 10-15 reps, 60 seconds rest between sets
*****last set extend with 2 drops

E1 lying DB triceps extensions – 8-12 reps
E2 Machine preacher curls – 8-12 reps
5 sets total, 60 seconds between supersets, extend last set with 2 drops each

F1 biceps and triceps BFR – 30, 30 – rest 30 seconds – 15, 15 – keep cuffs on another 30 seconds



A1 overhead reaches

B1 overhead reaches with draw in breathing and TVA activation C1 knee ups

D1 knee ups with abduction

E1 hip flexed leg extensions

F1 glute raise

G1 abducuted/external rotated glute raise

H1 bent knee internal/external rotation

I1 Wall rotations

J1 single leg leg ex (with light hip ex)

K1 seated calf raise AT contractions

L1 “check list” squat rehearsal set



A1 biceps activations (manual and cable) – as many sets as needed, 5-8 reps

B1 Single arm DB preacher curls – 6 sets of 8-10 reps, 60 seconds rest between sets

C1 triceps activations (manual and cable) – as many sets as needed, 5-8 reps

D1 Lying DB triceps extensions – 5 sets, 8-12 reps
D2 Incline DB curls – 5 sets, 8-10 reps
60 seconds rest between sets

E1 Machine preacher curls – 5 sets, 10-15 reps
E2 Machine dips – 5 sets, 10-15 reps
45 seconds rest between sets



A1 DB shoulder press – 3 sets, 6-10 reps, 2 min rest ****last set a triple drop

B1 Lying cable cuff front raise – 10-12 reps
B2 Incline bench DB front raise – 10-12 reps 3 sets, 60 seconds rest
****last set a triple drop

C1 Prone bench DB rear delts raises – 10-15 reps
C2 High cable Incline rear delts – 10-15 reps 3 sets, 60 seconds rest
****last set a triple drop

D1 DB lateral raise activations – 3 sets, 5 reps (5 seconds hold at the top of each rep)
*****no rest, start light, and move up both sets with a non-fatiguing weight

E1 DB lateral raises – 3 sets, 6-10 reps, 60 seconds rest
****all 3 sets – triple drop

F1 Lying cable cuff lateral raises – 1 set, 10-15 reps
*****triple drop



  • Be that guy, not that guy
  • The competitive landscape of the fitness industry has change, and not for the better
  • Competitors today are to externally focused and motivated
  • Refocus. Know yourself and why you want to compete
  • Learn to love the process
  • Learn to be a competitive badass once again

joeFlash back 10, 20, 30 years to any local gym. A starry-eyed young lad has just paid for his very first gym membership and is wondering around the foreign, yet amazing new terrain for the very first time. Like many before him, months or even years before that day he had something awaken deep inside him the first time he saw an “Arnold movie”. He then spent every day after that, poring over every muscle magazine he could find, analyzing the pages, inspired by what he sees. He cuts out workouts, pictures and diets to put on his wall. With the every piece of information he can gather, he plans his attack best he can for the first day he can begin his journey at the gym. He knows that he does not yet have everything he needs to build his perfect physique, but he does know he will work for it with all he’s got.

After a few months of training, doing the best he can to piece workouts together and pushing as hard as he can at whatever he does, his physique begins to change. With this change he gains confidence. One day he gains enough confidence to ask another member something he has always wanted to know: “Who is that?”, referring to the imposing figure near the back of the gym. He has seen him seemingly every time he has come to the gym. Even dressed in loose clothes, and what must be a XXXL shirt, he is clearly massive, with shoulders that look like they must be five feet across and what little skin you can see of his forearms are covered in a roadmap of veins. Aside from his impressive physicality, he stands out from all others in the gym. Everything he does seems to be with such intense focus and purpose. And even though everyone in the gym knows who he is, he seems like the member who would prefer to be the least know.



A1 Single leg hamstring activation (as many sets as needed)

B1 Single leg lying leg curls – 4 sets, 6-8 reps, 60 seconds rest between legs

C1 Lying leg curls – 4 sets, 6-8 reps, 90 seconds rest between sets
*****extend every set with partials at the bottom

D1 Seated leg curls – 4 sets of 8-12, 90 seconds rest between sets
******extend every set with partials at the top

E1 Yoke walking lunges – 4 sets of 20 steps, 90 seconds rest between sets
*****extend last set with an additional 30 steps at just BW



A1 Heel elevated yoke squats – 6 sets total – first 5 sets are 5 reps, 2-3 minutes rest, 6th set drop down the weight (at least 25-30%) and hit 10-12 reps

B1 Heel elevated reverse band yoke squats – 3 sets, 10-15 reps, 2 minutes rest

C1 Leg extensions – 10-20 reps (last set extend with partials up to 20 reps)
C2 Lying leg curls – 5-8 reps (extend sets with partials) 3 sets, 90 seconds between sets

D1 Pin loaded leg press – 3 sets of 30 reps, rest 90 seconds between sets
*****for the first set, pick a weight that is brutal for 30 reps….then find your nuts, and increase the weight twice for the next two sets and hit 30 again


Hey Joe, why don’t you use a belt while doing heavy movements such as deadlifts or squats. Just curious that’s all.

Don`t you also need to take a calcium supplement when taking so much magnesium? And how do you decide how much to take with magnesium, zinc etc? Where do you find the info to take so much magnesium? all i can find on the internet is that you got to take around 300mg a day.

Why do keep your carbs so low on rest days? Don`t you need it on rest days to recover en replenish glycogen?

What is your opinion on soya? with some multi’s there saying it contains soya? is that a bad thing?

How do you recoqnize a good fish oil?

Why do you never do seated calf raise? I never see it in your calf training video`s.

Du you always take ~10g bcaa’s before workout? And what are you thoughts on fat grips, especially on arm day?

Difference between free weights and cables, as far as force application is concerned.


– with the exception of nutsack day, no more than 4 exercise per day (excluding activations)

Flat bench press
Incline reverse band smith
Lying cuff laterals
Cable cross tri-x

Single-arm machine row
Prime handle chins
Machine row
Single arm DB preacher

DB military press
Lying cuff laterals
Reverse pec dec
Seated leg curls


Incline DB press
Prime handle chins
Reverse band Swiss bar (high incline)
Hammer low row

FM cable preacher
Overhead single arm cable tri
Incline cable curls
Lying cuff laterals

Seated leg curls
Front squats
Banded leg press
