Form/execution are a form of progressive overload (this video covers mainly the quantitative variables you can track on paper).

More than just standardizing form, be sure your form doesn’t regress in direct relation to your “on paper” progression.

And also realize numbers can stall and form can progress for a period of time. That is progressive overload.

First and foremost the logbook is for you. And for tracking THE most important variable of any program: progressive overload. There are really no “rules”. So take the examples as guidelines and adjust to better fit your needs. And find a method you’re most likely to adhere to.

Personally I just track working sets

I always track/write down the number of reps I did with ZERO assistance

Immediately following working sets, I write my “loose plan” for next session (in the notes)

I always write in my notes “fractional” and non-quantitative progress

Always chose the smallest percentage progression possible. (Much more sustainable). This is almost always a move up in weight, often “micro progression” as opposed to move up in reps. (Not as large a margin for high rep sets)

Working from “bottom to the top” of a rep range is also a fine method. Can be tougher long term and with lighter weights.

At the beginning of the session, look through the numbers and plan/adjust the session accordingly.
I’d rather “be conservative” and overshoot reps rather than overestimate a load and drop out of a rep range.

Joe Bennett - HypertrophyCoach

Your Free Leg Workout

The Anti-Flamingo

This is an intermediate to advanced program with a lower body focus. If you want some BIG A$$ legs…this program is for you. Not just big quads, but huge glorious glutes, hanging hams, and colossal calves…I got you! There are two separate lower body days, one with more quad focus, the other with more posterior chain focus. This program is also one of my favorite styles of programs, as I would consider it a push, pull, lower hybrid. Keeping the focus on big “meat and potatoes”, “logbooked” movement’s…while progressing to some brutally dense bodybuilding style volume towards the end of the program. You want to never fit into your current pants again, this is your program.

Here are your workout videos


barbell RDL (banded)

Sets 2Reps 5-8Rest 2-3 minutes


seated leg curls

Sets 2Reps 8-12Rest 2-3 minutes


Single-Leg Leg Press (hip dominant)

Sets 2Reps 10-12Rest 2-3 minutes


lying leg curls

Sets 2Reps 5-8Rest 2-3 minutes


Adductor machine

Sets 3Reps 8-10Rest 2-3 minutes

**Double Drop set on this last set. (First set will be in the prescribed 15-20 rep range. For each drop set, drop the weight enough to hit at least 10 reps each drop)


Seated Calf raise

Sets 3Reps 8-10Rest 2-3 minutes

**Double Drop set on this last set. (First set will be in the prescribed 15-20 rep range. For each drop set, drop the weight enough to hit at least 10 reps each drop)

Pump Work Split Squat Double Suicide

Complete as giant set


banded DB rear foot elevated split squat

Sets 2Reps 10Rest 90 seconds


DB rear foot elevated split squat

Sets 2Reps 10Rest 90 seconds


rear foot elevated split squat (body weight)

Sets 2Reps 10Rest 90 seconds


heel elevated goblet squat (dumbbell)

Sets 2Reps 10Rest 90 seconds


heel elevated squat (body weight)

Sets 2Reps AMRAPRest 90 seconds

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Copyright 2022


Joe Bennett - HypertrophyCoach

Your Free Push Workout

Push Pull Lower

This is possibly one of my favorite programs. This is a nice translation for those moving from intermediate to advanced. And provides a great “hybrid” of a transitional strength and bodybuilding program. Although the program progresses to a fairly advanced level, I could argue it could still be great for beginners, because a lot of people find this split enjoyable. If you want a very balanced program to get you HUGE, this is one of the best.

Here are your workout videos


flat DB press

Sets 2Reps 5-8Rest 2-3 minutes


roller cable fly

Sets 3Reps 8-10Rest 2-3 minutes


incline Barbell press (high)

Sets 2Reps 5-8Rest 2-3 minutes


lying cuff lateral raises

Sets 3Reps 8-10Rest 2-3 minutes

**Double Drop set on this last set. (First set will be in the prescribed 15-20 rep range. For each drop set, drop the weight enough to hit at least 10 reps each drop)


single arm cuff cable extension

Sets 3Reps 8-10Rest 2-3 minutes

**Double Drop set on this last set. (First set will be in the prescribed 15-20 rep range. For each drop set, drop the weight enough to hit at least 10 reps each drop)

Pump Work Shotgun to The D!ck Superset Ver 3.0

Complete as giant set


rope delt face-pull

Sets 3Reps 15Rest 30 seconds


rope rear delt row

Sets 3Reps 15Rest 30 seconds


rope upright row

Sets 3Reps 15Rest 30 seconds


rope front raise

Sets 3Reps 15Rest 30 seconds


rope front delt voodoo press

Sets 3Reps 15Rest 30 seconds

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Copyright 2022