A1 rope pull over – 10-15 reps*
A2 rope high row – 10-15 reps**
A3 rope kneeling down-over* – AMRAP
2-3 rounds, 60 seconds between rounds
*to failure
**stay 1-2 reps short of failure

*But seriously…be sure to @ me with how wide you’re looking right now, post_epic lat pump. I prescribe a sideways turn and crab-walk shuffle when you exit the gym today.

As little as possible, to produce maximum results.

Longevity (specially orthopedic). You only have so many “reps in the tank”, regardless of how perfect your approach is.

Minimize stress. Less demanding on recovery.

Less caloric demands to accomplish the goal (especially important for hard gainers, people that hate eating, and those further along the training journey)

Always keep the idea of somewhere to go from here (save some bullets, don’t shoot them all at once)

As much as needed to mentally/physically feel ready for a high level of output, while doing your best to mitigate the risk for injury

Top/working sets are game day, this is your practice, rehearsal and inventory

Also, attempt to accumulate as little fatigue as possible to prevent taking away from top/working sets

I never list the number of warmup sets for a workout. Use the amount that works best for you.

What defines a “complete workout”?

Have we demanded maximum force production for the targeted muscle(s)? In the range/length they are strongest?

Did we train through full contractile ROM? (Is all ROM necessary? Every workout?)

Did we bias various planes of motion? (fan shaped muscle). Is that necessary?

Did we stimulate Hypertrophy through force and “metabolic work”? Is that necessary?

Why the sequence? Avoiding redundancy? Multiple ways to get “pump work” (including more meat and potatoes work)

Speak to all portions: Prep, Meat and Potato’s,gu

Three P’s Prep, Potatoes, Pump – “Potatoes (meat and)”

The lettering indicates the set (same letter is same set – including super/giant sets)

Rest times are recommendations/ranges. Take what’s needed for the highest level performance (Meat and Potatoes movement will generally be 2-3 minutes rest, upwards of 4-5 on leg movements, most pump work take less than 60 seconds rest)

RIR stands for Reps In Reserve (this is just another variable to regulate the amount of stimulus). 0RIR means the set is taken to failure. 1RIR means 2 reps short of failure. 3RIR means 3 reps short of failure, etc.

Aside from the first 2 weeks of most programs, and recovery phases, pretty much all sets should be taken to failure.