A1 pronated DB curls – 8-10 reps
A2 supinated DB curls – AMRAP
A3 neutral (hammer) DB curls – AMRAP*
1-2 rounds, 60 seconds rest between rounds
*After completing A3 drop the weight, and repeat starting back at A1. Then repeat one more time. Complete 2 drop sets, and 3 rounds total.

A1 rack chins – AMRAP*
A2 bent over smith rows – 10-12 reps
A3 Smith RDLs – AMRAP**

2-3 rounds, 90 seconds rest between rounds
*drop set. First set feet up on bench, drop set to feet on the ground
**pulling the bar “into you” the whole time

*This one is brutally awesome. I’m very proud of it. Enjoy 😉

A1 rear foot elevated split squat (loaded) – 10 reps*
A2 rear foot elevated split squat (BW) – 10 reps*
A3 high heel elevated sissy squat** (loaded) – 10 reps
A4 high heel elevated sissy squat** (BW) – AMRAP
A5 iso quad stretch*** – 30 seconds

2-3 rounds, 90 seconds rest between rounds

*10 reps each leg
**don’t need a wedge, heels high on a plate works fine
***drop immediately from the wedge into the stretch

*If you can still stand upright after this…you did it wrong.

A1 seated cable high “pulse” curls – 20 reps*
A2 standing cable curls – 20 reps
A3 seating incline “pulse” curls – 20 reps**
A4 iso stretch – 30 seconds
A5 upright rope “pulse” extensions – 20 reps*
A6 lean forward rope extensions – 20 reps
A7 overhead rope extensions – 20 reps**
A8 iso stretch – 30 seconds
1-2 rounds, 30 seconds rest between rounds
*small ROM in shortened range
**small ROM in lengthened range