The Hypertrophy Equation

Presented by Joe Bennett ( and Tom Purvis, this course was created for those of us who are self-proclaimed “meatheads” (or were in a former life).

The plan is to blend the potential influences of science (physiology and mechanics) with the practical influences of diet and training in both a classroom and hands-on settings.

The goal is to explore customized considerations for the individuals in attendance and to learn how to alter the recommendations for others based upon both objective and subjective individual idiosyncracies.

Topics will include:

Explore and identify the factors influencing tissue response and potentially hypertrophy
The mechanics of resistance application for both efficient and strategically varied stimulation
The strategic manipulation of “Effort”

The 12 types of intention focusing on InTension®

The potential influence of “internal monitoring” during exercise execution

Types of soreness and their potential benefits and/or detriments

Myth Busting: from tradition to social media “experts”

The strategic manipulation of “Time”: sets, reps, rest, frequency, etc.

Dietary and other “support” related considerations
The keys extend beyond simply “goal setting”!

Examine the discipline to do what’s required (it’s not as simple as “being motivated”), avoid the desirable deterrents, and manage both client and personal expectations!

Navigating social media: the self-proclaimed “experts” and the pitfalls of broad scope generalizations and absolutes!

Effective and appropriate communication strategies that are indicators of the highly intelligent, ego free, unbiased true expert!


April 4th & 5th, 2025


Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Very Limited Enrollment:
Enrollment is limited to a maximum of 12

Day 1:
9:00-12:00 Classroom
1:00-5:00 Classroom and/or hands-on depending update desires and needs of the individual students.

Day 2
9:00-12:00 Hands-on in the gym
1:00-5:00 Hands-on